Planning Breast Lift Mastopexy Surgery
Once you have elected to have mastopexy, you will need to schedule consultations with your surgeon to discuss surgical options and which breast lift technique is right for you. Any questions and concerns regarding your breast lift surgery will be answered by your breast care specialist.
During the consultation period you will be advised to stop smoking and consuming alcohol for at least two weeks before your breast lift. Certain medications containing aspirin or ibuprofen should also be avoided, as well as some vitamins such as Vitamin E.
You will need to wear comfortable and loose-fitting clothing on the day of your breast lift, which can be easily removed and put back on.
Breast lift surgery can take from one to three hours to complete, depending on the amount of breast sagging and type of incision.
Most mastopexy patients will be able to return home after a few hours.
After breast lift surgery you will need someone to drive you home and care for you for the first day or two. You will have some difficulty bending over after a breast lift, and you should avoid heavy lifting for about four weeks. Most mastopexy patients will be able to return to work after about a week, and you will need to wear a support bra over wound tapes until your breast lift recovery is complete.
Sexual activity should be avoided for about a week or two after your breast lift, and you should be very gentle with your breasts for several weeks after mastopexy surgery.
A breast lift should provide a good long term result for each patient. How long the result of your mastopexy lasts for depends on the extent of the breast lift, how saggy your breasts were to begin with, and how much of a big weight fluctuation you have following your breast lift surgery.