Breast Augmentation Before & After
Setting realistic expectations with regards your implant size and shape before your breast augmentation, and ensuring you follow your surgeon’s instructions before and after your breast implant, will help to avoid complications.
Certain exercises will be prescribed to you after breast augmentation to help the breast implants adapt to their new shape.
The types of exercises you will be prescribed after breast augmentation includes:
- Upward breast implant exercises, which encourage the implants to move naturally after breast augmentation.
- Medial implant exercises, which helps to augment your cleavage, and is only for patients who had implants under the muscle.
- Scar capsule contraction prevention exercises, which assist with the mobility of the implant and help to prevent capsule contraction after breast augmentation.
Before breast augmentation surgery it is important to understand that implant placement is a fairly complex surgery, and that complications can occur.
Possible complications after breast implant surgery include:
- Bleeding. If bleeding does take place after augmentation surgery, the implant will need to be removed, the bleeding contained, and the implant replaced. Indications of bleeding are bruising and increased swelling and pain.
- Infection, which normally happens within a few days or weeks after augmentation surgery.
- Asymmetry. The implant can move out of position after surgery, and will normally need to be repaired surgically.
- Bottoming out occurs when the implant is too low and the nipple points upwards.
- Symmastia. This complication has the result of the breasts being too close together after augmentation.
- Capsular contraction. As the body heals, a capsule is formed around the breast implant, which is a normal occurrence after implant surgery. Occasionally, the capsule constricts around the implant, causing the implant to appear distorted, and to feel hard. Surgery would be required to correct the problem.
- Difficulties with mammography. Certain areas of the breast can be blocked by an implant after augmentation, making it difficult to achieve a complete scan of the breast.
- Deflation. An implant can leak after surgery.
- Calcifications, which can form in the scar capsule around the implant after a few years.
At this stage, there is no scientific evidence that silicone causes either cancer or autoimmune disease after breast augmentation surgery.