What is Gynaecomastia?
Gynaecomastia is an unusual enlargement of one or both breasts in men. Milk production may or may not take place. Gynaecomastia is a fairly common condition that is usually benign, and can be corrected surgically. Gynaecomastia can be caused by a hormonal imbalance, by using medications with estrogens or steroids, or certain types of liver failure such as in alcoholic cirrhosis.
Gynaecomastia is physiological in nature and occurs during puberty when at least half of men experience some breast enlargement. It is also common among elderly men, and when extreme weight gain occurs.
Gynaecomastia can be the first sign of a more serious condition such as a testicular tumor. Less commonly, gynaecomastia may be caused by a tumour of the breast, lung or other organ. Patients with Klinefelter’s condition tend to display gynaecomastia symptoms.
A medical evaluation or a biopsy should always be performed to check for cancer when there is male breast enlargement.
Signs & Symptoms of Gynaecomastia
Gynecomastia can be easy to detect, but can be confused with other conditions such as an excess of fat.
Signs and symptoms of gynaecomastia include enlarged, feminine looking breast/s, and constant pain in the breast area. The presence of constant pain could be an indication of breast cancer in men, and your health care professional should be consulted immediately.
Treatment for Gynaecomastia or How to Get Rid of Man Boobs
There are several treatments available for gynaecomastia. Surgery for male breast reduction is an option, where fat and glandular tissue is removed.
Where gynaecomastia is caused by drugs like estrogen and steroids, simple discontinuation of the drug is the best gynaecomastia treatment.