Herceptin & Non-surgical Treatment

There are four types of non-surgical breast cancer treatments known as adjuvant treatments. ChemotherapyRadiotherapyHormonal therapy and Biologic therapy such as Herceptin.



Herceptin is a biologic breast cancer treatment targeted against cancer cells which have a receptor called HER2.

 More information about Herceptin


Hormonal Therapy

Hormonal therapy is applied after other treatments such as surgery, radiotherapy, or chemotherapy with the purpose of reducing the chance of the cancer coming back.

 More information about Hormonal Therapy



Chemotherapy may be given before surgery to shrink the cancer or after surgery if there is a risk of the cancer returning.

 More information about Chemotherapy



Radiotherapy is an X-ray treatment that is used after breast cancer surgery to reduce the risk of breast cancer coming back.

 More information about Radiotherapy

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