Breast Cancer
There are many different breast cancer types, symptoms and causes, and treatments.
Symptoms & Causes
There are a variety of symptoms and possible causes of breast cancer. A mammogram is recommended if you are concerned about symptoms, risk factors or family history.
More information about Symptoms & Causes
Herceptin & Non-surgical Treatment
There are four types of non-surgical breast cancer treatments known as adjuvant treatments. Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Hormonal therapy and Biologic therapy such as Herceptin.
More information about Herceptin & Non-surgical Treatment
Breast Reconstruction
Breast reconstruction is surgery to rebuild a breast using existing flesh or prosthetic material. Implants are sometimes used, and often a natural looking breast, areola and nipple can be reformed during surgery.
More information about Breast Reconstruction
Ductal Carcinoma Cancer (DCIS)
Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) usually affects a localised area of the breast within the ducts.
More information about Ductal Carcinoma Cancer (DCIS)
Breast Cancer Types
Learn more about other breast cancer types such as Paget’s disease, related conditions, how different types of cancer are diagnosed and treated.
More information about Breast Cancer Types
Breast Health in Men
Learn about the risk factors, symptoms, and treatment of breast cancer in men.
More information about Breast Health in Men
Breast Cancer Surgery
Breast Surgery is normally the first treatment you will receive for your breast cancer because it removes the cancer and also provides information about the cancer to then decide on further treatment.